The planners and builders that built American towns and cities after World War II were innovators who had the foresight to create working mechanical structured grids, laid out with the
Category: H2O Infrastructure
When Stanley Kubrick made a movie, there was always an underlying message in it. The Shinning or Eyes Wide Shut are the subjects of discussion that captivate ideas of conspiracy theory, truth, and...
In recent years Israel has taken steps that have turned into enormous strides to solve the Water Crisis that has plagued the Arid Middle Eastern part of the world. These days Israel leads the world...
How to Disinfect a Well with Bleach: Disinfecting Well Guide
The difference between A Public and Private Drinking water system is that Public water systems are regulated and tested continually. Private Wells are not regulated and are left up to the owner to be...
The Global water crisis is affecting millions of people in places like Sudan, Somalia, and Afghanistan along with many other places around the world for different reasons. Is there a water shortage...
When you turn on your tap and use the water, do you ever wonder if it is clean enough for you to drink? Did you ever wonder how your Public Water Supplier gets that Drinking Water to your tap? Who...