The simple act of aiming the return jets in your swimming pool has more than a few advantages. Your pool filtering system will operate more efficiently and you will end up saving money on electrical energy and pool chemicals, and your pool water will look great! What is the best swimming pool return jet position?
At the Deepest End of the pool
turn the Return Jets (eyeballs) located on the pool walls angled down toward the bottom of the pool at a 45° angle
In the Shallow End of the pool
Turn return Jets clockwise to about 8 o’clock at a 45° angle so the return water to the pool is mixing in a circular motion.
For your swimming pool to look great, your filtering system needs to be able to clean it and mix the pool properly using simple hydraulic tips. In this article, I will show you the advantages of simple water hydraulics you can use in your pool return jets.
The design and placement of return jets in a swimming pool can significantly influence water circulation, chemical distribution, and overall pool health. In this insightful article, we dive into the best swimming pool return jet positioning approaches. We’ll explore how strategic jet placement can enhance water flow, reduce maintenance challenges, and create a more enjoyable swimming environment. After years of running my inground pool, I found the best way to mix your pool’s water for the best kind of results. You can up the size of your pool pump’s motor in horsepower to improve the hydraulics which will cost more money or you can improve the circulation by simply adjusting the direction of flow at your returns jets. It will work in Above Ground pools to
Swimming Pool Return Jet Position: Best Pool Jet Positioning & Circulation
Understanding the optimal placement of pool return jets is essential for maintaining a clean and well-circulated swimming pool. The return jets, also known as the pool return inlets, are vital components that work in concert with the pool pump, pool filter, and pool skimmers to ensure efficient circulation and distribution of pool water. When pool jets are positioned correctly, they create a circuit of movement that helps push water toward the pool skimmers, where debris is captured and prevented from settling. This dynamic plays a crucial role in pool maintenance, sparing you from frequent and laborious clean-ups.
For the best circulation, the return inlets should be angled slightly downwards, generating a gentle, rolling water movement that aids in evenly dispersing chemicals and maintaining uniform water temperature throughout the pool. Traditionally, experts recommend that the pool return jet be set up to point towards the pool’s deepest area, driving water from the bottom up to the surface to boost the efficacy of the skimmers. However, each swimming pool is unique, and the positioning may vary based on pool shape and prevailing winds.
Pool jet positioning also affects water pressure, which in turn influences the performance of the pool’s cleaning system. It’s important to ensure that the pressure is evenly distributed by strategically placing the return pool jets. One often overlooked aspect is the impact of return jets on areas notorious for collecting stagnant water—properly positioned jets can prevent these dead spots, improving overall circulation. Lastly, don’t overlook the role of the pool’s returns in the swimming experience; well-directed water flow ensures a more enjoyable swim without strong currents or dead zones.
Improving circulation in your pool will help improve the overall condition and efficiency which will pay off in money throughout the summer season. A small thing like proper backpressure and direction of flow back into the pool through the effluent lines can make your swimming pool simply work better.
Turning over the water in your swimming pool can seem like a simple action but in fact, this simple action can save money on energy usage and chemicals that are consumed constantly once you open your pool.
*To observe your swimming pool circulation, try using a ping-pong ball test. This involves tossing at least a dozen ping-pong balls into the pool and watching where they travel. The way the balls travel in a clockwise or counter-clockwise pattern and eventually how they end up in the skimmer basket shows the direction in which the filtered water in the pool is traveling and the mix of the swimming pool.
The Power of Pool Jets in Maintaining Water Clarity and Movement
Aiming the jets at the bottom of the pool has a few advantages. There will be less heat loss with less evaporation and less burn-off of the chemicals in the new pool water. Also, as the pool water is shot into the deep sections of the pool, there’s more water turnover meaning it’s helping cycle the pool water more efficiently.
Surface tension or turbulence can agitate the pool water and create a deficiency in Chlorine kill. If you aim the jets straight, or up toward the surface, the effects on the pool water will be the opposite more heat loss, evaporation and burn-off, and less efficiency in the turnover of the water.
If you point the return jet on the pool wall at a 45-degree angle aimed at the deepest part of the pool the water in the pool will “flop” over hydraulically and naturally turn the pool over without concaving or pulling air down from the surface of the pool. Take a little time and find that sweet spot for the best mix.
Positioning the return inlets eyeballs downward at 45 degrees, allows the filtered water to mix with the deeper water. This creates dilution and stirs up any debris on the pool floor. The resulting flow sets water and debris on a path toward the swimming pool skimmer and/or the main drain.
The Proper Positioning of Pool Return Jets for Efficient Circulation
- In the Deepest Part of the pool– turn the return jets (eyeballs) located on the pool walls and angle down towards the bottom or floor of the pool. This position is the most efficient, they
should be angled down at 45 degrees.
- In the Shallow Ends of the pool- turn and angle the return jet down deep at around 8 o’clock clockwise so the return water to the pool is mixing in a circular motion. If you can see movement on the top surface of the pool then the direction of the return flow is not deep enough.
- You shouldn’t see any movement on the top surface of the pool
- Add chemicals like Shock Chlorine at night with the Pool light on and you will see the complete picture of how the return inlets are mixing with the pool water. Then adjust the return inlets as necessary.
Aiming the jets at the bottom of the pool has a few advantages. There will be less heat loss with less evaporation and less burn-off of the chemicals in the new pool water.
Also, as the pool water is shot into the deep sections of the pool, there’s more water turnover meaning it’s helping cycle the pool water more efficiently. Surface tension or turbulence can agitate the pool water and create a deficiency in Chlorine kill.
If you aim the jets straight, or up toward the surface, the effects on the pool water will be the opposite more heat loss, evaporation and burn-off, and less efficiency in the turnover of the water.
When adding chemicals like chlorine at night with the pool light on you will see the coverage and pattern that the mix creates in the swimming pool.
If you point the return jet on the pool wall at a 45-degree angle aimed at the deepest part of the pool the water in the pool will “flop” over hydraulically and naturally turn the pool over without concaving or pulling air down from the surface of the pool. Take a little time and find that sweet spot for the best mix.
By positioning the return inlet eyeballs downward at 45 degrees, allows the filtered water to mix with the deeper water. This creates dilution and stirs up any debris on the pool floor. The resulting flow sets water and debris on a path toward the swimming pool skimmer and the main drain.
Determine Your Pool’s Turnover Rate: The Key to Positioning Pool Jets Effectively
To determine your pool’s turnover rate, calculate the total volume of water in the pool and divide it by the flow rate of the pump. This turnover rate indicates how quickly the entire volume of water is circulated and filtered. Once the turnover rate is known, position pool jets strategically to ensure thorough water circulation, helping maintain water clarity, distribute chemicals evenly, and enhance overall pool efficiency.
If you aim the jets straight or up toward the surface, the effects on the pool water will be the opposite more heat loss, evaporation and burn-off, and less efficiency in the turnover of the water.
When adding chemicals like chlorine at night with the pool light on you will see the coverage and pattern that the mix creates in the swimming pool.
If you point the return jet on the pool wall at a 45-degree angle aimed at the deepest part of the pool the water in the pool will “flop” over hydraulically and naturally turn the pool over without concaving or pulling air down from the surface of the pool. Take a little time and find that sweet spot for the best mix.
Positioning the return inlets eyeballs downward at 45 degrees, allows the filtered water to mix with the deeper water. This creates dilution and stirs up any debris on the pool floor. The resulting flow sets water and debris on a path toward the swimming pool skimmer and/or the main drain.
Unavoidable Dead Areas in Pools: Enhancing Water Movement with Pool Jets
Unavoidable dead areas, where water circulation is limited, can occur in pools due to various factors such as pool shape, obstacles, or inadequate design. Enhancing water movement with strategically placed pool jets is a solution to mitigate these dead areas. By directing currents towards these zones, pool jets help improve circulation, preventing debris accumulation, maintaining water clarity, and creating a more enjoyable swimming environment.
Here are some ways where improper pool jet positioning can affect not only your pool circulation but, in some cases, your pool water chemistry as well!
- Pointing the Pool Jets at the pool surface- Pointing your pool jets up to create bubbles for that spa effect, it’s not advisable to do so for extended periods!
The reason for this is that this causes aeration in the pool, which in turn increases the rate of outgassing in your pool, which will raise the pH levels in your pool. This is also the main cause of chlorine drops in swimming pools or spas are pointing pool jets up to the surface of the pool.
- Another reason why this is a bad idea is that this will agitate the surface of the water, moving floating debris around.
- Pointing return jets at the surface of the swimming pool will decrease the pressure of your filtering system or a pool that uses filter cartridges. When the return jests are pointed down underwater, they create back pressure that is good for your pump and filter system.
- Another problem would be less heat loss. Since we have a calmer water surface, your pool loses heat much slower than one with an agitated surface.
Calmer-looking flat pool water means better water circulation. What we want is for the deeper water to get circulated so that we have greater water turnover, meaning greater water filtration and, in the end, cleaner water all around.
How Does Pool Circulation Work: Understanding the Role of Return Jets
Water is naturally looking for the path of least resistance, in this case, the quickest way to get to the pool skimmer. For this reason, return jets that are far away from the skimmer not only need to push in the proper direction but also need to shoot a stronger current of water compared to those pool jets that are installed close to the skimmer.
These two things allow pool pumps to provide more water pressure and better circulation turning your pool water over from the bottom to the top, creating more backpressure more efficiently, and using less energy for heaters and filter systems.
Adjusting the placement of the return pool jets can Increase pressure on the whole system giving you a proper mix and a stronger pressure for pumps and circulation in the swimming pool.
Proper Return Jet Position
After you get the right direction with the pool return jet (which you’ll be able to see when you put the chemicals in at night with the pool light on), you can also increase the pressure of the effluent jets by decreasing the size of the Eyeballs holes you’ll find are ⅜”, ½,” and ¾.” For the far-away placement position in your swimming pool, you’ll want to go with a smaller size on the jet, as this will create more back pressure than mid or large-sized eyeballs.
Don’t forget to add white Teflon tape to the threads of the pool inlet and pool return jets of the swimming pools if you are reducing the size to increase the pressure. You want to take advantage of the smaller hole size and don’t want any leaks from the unit.
Also, keep your pool basket at your pump clean so the flow is not obstructed. Here is a good video that will show you how to take the Pool’s Return Jet apart. The pool filter, pool skimmers in the swimming pool, and spa or hot tub parts need to be tight to improve circulation along with the pool return jets.
The best swimming order for your swimming pool to look great, your filtering system needs to be able to clean it and mix the pool properly using simple hydraulic tips. In this article, I will show you the advantages of simple water hydraulics you can use in your pool return jet pool return jets position
At the Deepest End of the pool
turn the Return Jets (eyeballs) located on the pool walls angled down toward the bottom of the pool at a 45° angle
In the Shallow End of the pool
Turn return Jets clockwise to about 8 o’clock at a 45° angle so the return water to the pool is mixing in a circular motion.
What Happens When You Pee in the Pool?
- Pee contains uric acid
- It comes in contact with Free Chlorine in Pools
- Reacts forming Chloramines & harmful disinfection by-products
- like Trichloramine & Cyanogen chloride
- Studies say Up to 8-20 gal. of urine in Public pools
- 2-3 gals. in backyard pools, according to a study by the University of Alberta .……………………………………………………………………… Read more
Aquatics International-Good Circulation
Mr. Pool Man- Proper Pool Jet Positioning
Q: What is the turnover rate, and why is it important when positioning pool return jets?
A: The turnover rate is the time it takes for pool pumps to circulate a volume of water equivalent to the entire pool, which is vital for proper filtration and cleanliness. When positioning pool return jets, it’s important to ensure they complement the turnover rate to maximize filtration efficiency and water quality.
Q: What should I consider when positioning pool return jets near pool skimmers?
A: When positioning pool return jets near skimmers, they should aid in creating surface water motion that pushes debris toward the skimmers for effective removal. This helps increase the skimmers’ effectiveness and prevents debris from sinking to the bottom. Correct jet positioning also helps in regulating pressure throughout the pool, reducing stress on pool pumps.
Q: How do return jets contribute to the distribution of chemicals in the pool?
A: Return jets are crucial for the distribution of chemicals in the pool. They facilitate circulation patterns that ensure sanitizing agents are evenly dispersed throughout the pool, preventing chemical imbalances and concentration in certain areas, and leading to better sanitation and consistent water quality.
Q: Why is it essential to understand the dynamics of water flow in my pool?
A: Understanding the dynamics of water flow is essential for optimizing the performance of your return pool jets. This includes knowing your pool’s turnover rate, shape, and prevailing wind conditions. By positioning jets to work with these dynamics, you can enhance circulation, reduce energy costs, and maintain a healthy swimming environment.