What’s the Difference Between Algaecide 40 and Algaecide 60

The best treatment for a swimming pool is always a preventative treatment especially when it comes to algae and keeping it away from your pool water at least until the summer season is done the best way to do this is to make sure to pay attention to the pool’s chemistry and the chemicals you use because there are differences one of them being algaecides. What’s the Difference Between Algaecide 40 and Algaecide 60?

A 40% Algaecide is considered an inhibitor & should be used weekly after you super-chlorinate your pool to prevent algae blooms
A 60% Algaecide is a stronger concentrated formula-this type of stronger formula is recommended for pools with visual and re-occurring algae in a weekly maintenance program

Chlorine is the ultimate algaecide in swimming pool products and when used in a maintenance program with algaecide and a balanced pool water chemistry will keep the nasty green algae from taking over and closing down your pool.

What’s the Difference Between Algaecide 40 and Algaecide 60


There are two types of Algaecide for pools and spas- basically, they may be the same product but at different concentrations that are used for prevention or when has already shown its evil face and takes a grip on your swimming pool. Remove stuck-on algae and increase the surface area of the algae you are trying to kill by brushing the walls and the bottom of the pool.

The best way of dealing with algae in pool water is to:


  • Adjust and balance chemistry
  • Super-chlorinate pool
  • Read directions-dilute chemical only if it is called for always add chemicals to H2O
  • Add a preventive algae treatment
  • Add a Clarifier -This clumps the algae together into vacuumable pieces. Shut the pump off and let the cloudiness settle. This can take up to a few days for the magic to happen.



 How Long After Adding Algaecide Can You Swim?

Most pool supply chains and manufacturers that sell Algaecide recommend waiting 1 hour after adding the chemical or at the (very least 15 minutes) to your swimming pool before swimming. Algaecides are perfectly safe to swim in while working 24-48 hrs for the total effects of the chemicals to work. …………………………………….. Read more


The pool water should have turned from green to a cloudy blue/grey color. This is a good thing! The change in color means that you have killed the algae and can now clean it out of the pool. If the water is still green, wait for another 24 hrs and repeat.

Liquid Pool Algaecide is a prevention tool chemical. Chlorine is the ultimate algaecide in swimming pool products and when used in a maintenance program with algaecide and a balanced pool water chemistry will keep the nasty green algae from taking over and closing down your pool.

An Algaecide is intended to help prevent the growth and onslaught of algae. Algaecide is typically formulated to be compatible with your other pool chemicals and is an effective way of preventing algae infestations.

It can be applied directly to the pool water or pre-diluted in a pail of water before application.

40% algaecide Inhibitors- a less expensive product used to prevent algae from starting in your pool use as a regular weekly addition after shocking your pool in the summer

A 60% Algaecide- is a  more expensive-stronger concentrated formula than the standard 40% algaecide. It’s used to kill algae already established in your pool. The strong formula is recommended for pools with re-occurring algae in a weekly maintenance program.

When included as part of your regular pool maintenance program, it provides a form of protection against the presence of algae and ultimate cost remedies to rid it. You can swim immediately after its application however, swimming is not recommended when algae are present.

If you have algae present; please see our Algae Treatment sheet below.  Please read all labels before adding any chemicals to your pool, follow all safety instructions, and consult a pool professional if you have any questions.

Before adding In The Swim Algaecide 60, make sure to brush your pool. Clean or backwash your filter. Empty skimmer and pump baskets. Turn on the main circulation pump. Super chlorinate according to water volume and interior type. This will build a chlorine residual. 


Which chemical do you add first- Algaecide or Shock?

You should first shock/super chlorinate your pool to levels above 5 ppm-scrub the walls & floor of your pool then wait for the chlorine levels to fall below 5 PPM. When they do, add algaecide to your pool. This will kill off the rest of the algae and provide..………………………………………read more


JimGalloway Author/Editor


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