If you own an inground swimming pool, saving money and energy is always important to keep your pool in good shape, and doing your maintenance can save costs over time. Jobs that you think are hard usually are not but in some jobs, a professional is needed especially a certified electrician to answer and fix safety problems. Does a pool light need a GFCI breaker?
Yes- it’s mandatory that GFCI Ground Fault Protection for Swimming Pool Lights: NEC Article 680-20, As described in this electrical question, anyone who enters the pool with this light on is in Danger of Potential Electrical Shock!
As a pool owner, some potential problems need your full attention like safety issues in and around the pool but the biggest safety issue is the Pool Light and how its circuit is protected if a problem arises underwater.
Does a Pool Light Need a GFCI Breaker
There are generally two circuits for a pool that supply power to the equipment. These circuits are sometimes connected right to the home’s breaker panel, sometimes a separate sub-panel is mounted, and finally, some automated controllers have a sub-panel built-in. Regardless of where these circuits originate, the reason there should be a minimum of two is that the pool light circuit should be dedicated to the light only.
The light always has to be a dedicated circuit because it has to be protected by a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI). A GFCI is a device that monitors the amount of current flowing from hot to neutral. If there is an imbalance, it trips the circuit.
A GFCI for a pool light circuit is generally located on the controller box for the pool equipment. The GFCI outlet itself also doubles as an electrical outlet to supply tools and/or appliances.
The very reason the original GFCI circuit breaker tripped indicates that there was something wrong with the circuit, and the GFCI circuit breaker was providing protection against a potential electric shock. You need to pay attention to it immediately!

Sometimes, on older sets, it can be located just under the light switch itself, usually by the back door. It will always be somewhere convenient for the electrician to protect or swap the circuit without too much additional work.
Inspect your Swimming Pool’s Electrical service and look for signs of corrosion. If you don’t know what you are looking at even if you are unsure, call an Electrician.
- You should take a moment to locate the GFCI for your pool light and test it to make sure it works properly. The procedure to test the GFCI is simple.
- Locate the “TEST” button on the outlet, usually between the two sockets.
- Then push it in, and you should hear it pop.
- Then try to turn the pool light on.
- If the light does not turn on, then your GFCI is working properly.
- Now that you have tested the light circuit GFCI, you need to reset the GFCI to restore power to the light. This is easily done by locating the “Reset” button on the outlet, usually beneath the “TEST” button, and pushing it in.
- Then, turn the light on. It should light up.
Does a pool light need a GFCI breaker?
Do 12v Pool Lights Need GFCI Protection

Yes, 12V pool lights typically require Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection. While low-voltage lighting systems like 12V may seem safer than their higher-voltage counterparts, they still pose a risk of electric shock if there’s a fault in the circuit or if water enters the system.
GFCI protection is crucial because it quickly shuts off power in the event of a ground fault, reducing the risk of electrical accidents, particularly in wet environments like pools. Additionally, electrical codes often mandate GFCI protection for pool lighting to ensure the safety of swimmers and maintenance personnel. Therefore, it’s essential to install GFCI protection for 12V pool lights to mitigate the risk of electric shock and ensure compliance with safety regulations.
The National Electrical Code states that only pool lights requiring 15 volts or more need to be GFCI-protected. Most low-voltage lights are 12-14 volts, so it isn’t necessary – but it is still helpful to use a GFCI outlet if possible.
To explore this topic in a little more detail, I’ll take you through:
- Whether low voltage lighting is safe around a pool
- Whether pool lights need to be GFCI-protected
- Reasons why a pool light might trip a GFCI
* If you have a pool light that is not protected by GFCI Ground Fault Circuit protection then the occupants in or around the swimming pool are at grave risk of potential electrical shock, this includes pets and other animals as well!
How Many Pool Lights Do I Need?
The number of pool lights you need depends on the size of your pool. Here are some general guidelines
- For pools 15′ x 30′ or smaller, you need at least one LED pool light.
- For pools larger than 15′ x 30′, you may need additional light.
- For residential pools larger than 40′ and commercial pools, 3 or more lights may be required ………………………………….. Read more
Ask the Electrician-Electrical Code and Swimming Pool Light Fixtures
- What is a GFCI breaker, and why is it important for pool lighting?
- A GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) breaker is a device designed to quickly interrupt electrical power in the event of a ground fault, reducing the risk of electric shock. It’s crucial for pool lighting because it provides an added layer of safety in environments where water and electricity mix, such as pools.
- Is a GFCI breaker required for pool lights?
- Yes, in most jurisdictions, a GFCI breaker is required for pool lights. National and local electrical codes mandate GFCI protection for electrical equipment installed near water sources to prevent electric shock hazards.
- Can I use a GFCI outlet instead of a GFCI breaker for my pool lights?
- It depends on your specific setup and local regulations. While GFCI outlets protect individual outlets, a GFCI breaker protects the entire circuit. In many cases, especially for pool installations, a GFCI breaker is preferred for comprehensive protection.
- How do I test a GFCI breaker for my pool lights?
- Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for testing the GFCI breaker regularly. Typically, this involves pressing the “Test” button on the breaker to simulate a ground fault and ensure it trips properly. If the breaker doesn’t trip or reset correctly, consult a qualified electrician for inspection and possible replacement.
- Can I install a GFCI breaker for my pool lights myself, or do I need a professional?
- While some homeowners may have the expertise to install a GFCI breaker, it’s generally recommended to hire a licensed electrician for this task. Ensuring proper installation is crucial for safety and compliance with electrical codes. A qualified electrician can also assess your specific needs and ensure the breaker is correctly sized and installed.