In the US, Striped Bass inhabit waters ranging from Maine all the way down to North Carolina. Such a vast fishery can’t reasonably be managed by a single state. This is where the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) comes in. Because of the Striper’s dwindling population, more stringent laws are put in place to protect them. If you fish Striped Bass you should be able to estimate the age and size using the Striped Bass Weight Calculator. What is the Striped Bass Weight Calculator?
The Striped Bass weight calculator gives an approximate estimate of the weight of your fish, simply take a length & girth measurement in inches & use this formula. Remember, these are estimates! Example: A 30-inch Striped Bass weighs approximately 12 pounds 30″ x 30″ x 30″ /2,200 = 12.3 pounds.
Striped Bass are anadromous, meaning they spend most of their adult life in ocean waters but return to their natal rivers to spawn in the spring. The rivers that feed into the Chesapeake Bay and the Delaware and Hudson Rivers are the major spawning grounds for the coastal migratory population. Female striped bass typically grow larger and heavier than males. Based on sampling efforts, 45% of female striped bass mature at age 6, and 100% mature by age 9. Stripers can live to a maximum of 31 years of age.
If you are Stripper fishing this year, make sure you measure your striped bass correctly, or you could be in violation of the State law and could be in for a hefty fine. I know in New Jersey, what’s known as “Shorts” could get you some big fines.
Striped bass or Rockfish have to be measured to overall length.
Pinch the tail together at the bottom of the fish and measure from the closed mouth to the end of the pinched tail.
Make sure the tail is stretched out as far as possible when you pinch it together- see the image for guidance.
This is a straight-line measure, so it is recommended to use a measuring board or lay the tape on the ground.
Do not measure along the body of the fish, the curve will skew the actual length.
A Striper measuring thirty-six inches to the fork will be over thirty-seven inches and won’t be legal to keep in Delaware. A fish measured along the curve will be longer than the actual measurement, and you could be in violation.
Our creel limit is 28 to 36 inches, and over 44 inches, anything in between has to be released, and there have been many fish that had to be released the past week.
A good rule of thumb is if you are not sure, then release the fish. I plan to be surf fishing in mid-April in Delaware, a couple of weeks from now. I’m glad I am writing this article because the rules are different in every state. If you are releasing the fish, don’t take too long. Catch and release the Bass as healthily as possible.
30 lb Weight Striped Bass
Some calculated weights of Strippers can be estimated by the lengths and girth in inches, and using the chart here in the article can give you a clue on age too.
There are some factors to add to the formula when trying to figure out how old or how much your striper Bass weighs. Age-weight and length relationships are involved in Summerweight and migratory weights.
Weight estimates also can be calculated using only length measurementsbased on a relationship between length and weight.
Length-weight equations can be developed for specific waters, temperatures, seasons, regions, or states or for a particular species. For the best weight estimates, the Girth measurement of the fish should also be used of the fish. Standard Weight Conversions are used for many different fish besides Strippers.
So, no formula is 100 percent accurate for weight estimates but if you have only length and not girth, this should help get you in the ballpark. Your state fishery agency may have standard weight tables based on regional data posted on their website.
These formulas use the total length of the fish, measured from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail fin when compressed. They also take into consideration all the variables that we talked about that have a bearing on that species for that region. For a 30 lb. that is 14 years old in New Jersey, Striped Basswill be 42″ (approximately)
Striped Bass are opportunist feeders & eat a variety of baitfish like bunker, herring,& mackerel. They also target eels, clams, crabs, shrimp,& squid. Stripers can adapt to what is available, nearly everything they come across. They don’t eat continuously but will consume ………………………………………… Read more
The Public’s Biggest Striped Bass Fish Ever Caught
Greg Myerson’s 81-pound, 14-ounce striped bass taken off Westbrook, Connecticut, is now an official world record
The largest striped bass ever taken by angling was an 81.88-lb (37.14-kg) specimen taken from a boat in Long Island Sound, near the Outer Southwest Reef, off the coast of Westbrook, Connecticut. The all-tackle world record fish was taken by Gregory Myerson[20] on the night of August 4, 2011.
Greg Myerson caught his huge striper drifting a live eel by a submerged boulder near the Outer Southwest Reef off the coast of Westbrook, Connecticut.
His striper measured 54 inches in length. Greg Myerson’s striper was approved by theInternational Game Fish Associationon Wednesday, October 19th, and became the new world record striped bass at 81 pounds, 14 ounces. Greg Myerson said he’s sorry to take the striped bass world record from Atlantic City, but he is happy to have it in Westbrook, Connecticut.
Age chart – Weight chart – Length chart
This chart is to approximate the weight and the Age of your striped bass fish
Length X length X length / 1,950
Striped Bass growth statistics ( New England – Chesapeake Bay studies)
Age Your Fish
Fish Weight Calculator
The average size is just the median of both weights. It is a more realistic maximum in the late fall after the striper has fattened itself up for the winter.
Feeding will slow when the water temperature drops below 50 degrees, so in the spring, the minimum weights are then more accurate.
This, of course, does not apply to a roe-laden female. There has been much discussion about the variants in weights. Many factors contribute to weight or lack thereof.
A good digital flat scale will put less stress on the fish than those lip grip types and are more accurate. You should take a measurement while the fish is on a flat surface from the tip of the nose to the outermost point of the tail.
There is no substitute for an accurate scale but to estimate the weight
of your striped bass, the formula is thus. Length X length X length / 1,950. For example, a 30-inch striped bass weighs ~ 14 pounds
30″ X 30″ X 30″ /
1,950 = 14
Use your calculator for weight estimates and the above formula for a fair approximation Margin of error of up to 6% for other species of fish.
The Length Girth Chart Formula for the following species is thus:
bass weight = (bass length x length x girth) / 1,200 pike weight = (pike length x length x length) / 3,500 sunfish weight = (sunfish length x length x length) / 1,200 trout weight = (trout length x girth x girth) / 800 walleye weight = (walleye length x length x length) / 2,700
For example, you catch a 16-inch walleye. Using the formula for walleye above: (16 x 16 x 16) / 2,700 = 1.5
pounds. Your walleye weighs approximately 1.5 pounds.
References: from Lyman and Woolner, 1962,The Complete Book of Striped Bass Fishing; A.S. Barnes and Company, New York
The right Bait, the Striped Bass, is hitting on that Day
The right colored lure they’re hitting on
A weight that holds the bottom
How to Read Surf .……………………………………………………… Read more
Myerson caught his huge striper drifting a live eelby a submerged boulder near the Outer Southwest Reef off the coast of Westbrook, Connecticut. His striper measured 54 inches in length. Greg Myerson’s striper was approved by the International Game Fish Associationon Wednesday, October 19th, and became the new world record striped bass at 81 pounds, 14 ounces. Greg Myerson said he’s sorry to take the striped bass world record from Atlantic City, but he is happy to have it in Westbrook, Connecticut.
Targeting the big cow stripers on a regular basis takes a lot of patience, endurance, and experience. The habits of large bass over 20 lbs are totally different than school and smaller teen-sized Bass, not that they can’t be found in the same places; they can and are, but not always at the same time.
Small and teen-sized striper will school in the middle of a rip, chasing bait erratically, while the larger monster Bass will lie behind structure in the ripor to the side, expending only enough energy to get their meal; big fish need calories and can’t afford to waste energy chasing bait or competing with small fish so remember this fat and lazy concept.
We, as Anglers, should have the knowledge to conserve and sustain the populations of fish for generations to come, especially in a situation where populations of species like the Striper are dwindling and Catch & Release is becoming more and more important for their survival.
Because of the Striper’s dwindling population, more stringent laws are put in place to protect them. If you fish Striped Bass you should be able to estimate the age and size using the Striped Bass Weight Calculator. What is the striped Bass Weight Calculator’s meaning and function why are they more critical than ever before?
The Striped Bass weight calculator gives an approximate estimate of the weight of your fish, simply take a length & girth measurement in inches & use this formula. Remember, these are estimates! Example: A 30-inch Striped Bass weighs approximately 12 pounds 30″ x 30″ x 30″ /2,200 = 12.3 pounds.
Fish overnight 10 pm-4 am
On new moon
55-68° H2O temps.
Use a Planer or a Float technique
Jigging technique on a boat
Use Fresh Bait from the River-Alewife, Herring, Shad, or eels
Lures that simulate baitfish on the surface or just below …………………………………….. Read more
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