What are Spring Tides

Tides are long-period waves that roll around the planet as the ocean is “pulled” back and forth by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun as these bodies interact with the Earth in their monthly and yearly orbits. What are Spring Tides?

Spring tides refer to high & low tides that occur during new & full moons. Gravitational forces from the sun & moon align, causing increased tidal range. This phenomenon happens bi-monthly & is unrelated to the Spring season, rather, the term is derived from the concept of the tide “springing forth.” 

Seven days after a spring tide, the sun and moon are at right angles to each other. When this happens, the bulge of the ocean caused by the sun partially cancels out the bulge of the ocean caused by the moon.


Amid the constant ebb and flow of the world’s oceans, two significant tidal phenomena—spring tide and neap tide—mark the rhythm of the sea. Key to both navigators of ancient times and the coastal dwellers of today, these tides play a pivotal role in understanding the intricate dance between Earth, moon, and sun. This article delves into the celestial mechanics behind tidal movements, deciphering the forces that create the highest of highs and the lowest of lows along our shorelines, and illuminating the natural cadence of our planet’s blue heart.

What are Spring Tides

Spring tides are a type of tide that occurs when the sun, the moon, and the Earth align in a straight line, exerting their gravitational forces in the same direction. This alignment enhances the gravitational pull on the Earth’s oceans, resulting in higher high tides and lower low tides than usual. Spring tides happen twice a month, during the full moon and the new moon when the Earth, moon, and sun are in syzygy or alignment. Despite their name, spring tides have no association with the season; rather, the term “spring” is derived from the concept of the tide “springing forth” or rising higher than normal. Spring tides are important for coastal ecosystems, influencing activities such as fishing, navigation, and beach erosion, as well as facilitating nutrient mixing and sediment transport in estuaries.

The Interplay of Sun, Moon, and Earth: Unpacking Spring Tides

The enigmatic dance of the sun, moon, and Earth has a profound impact on the lapping waves and heaving waters of our planet’s shorelines. We witness this interaction most prominently during spring tides, a phenomenon that occurs not just during the vernal season, as the name might suggest, but rather much more frequently. Spring tides bring very high tides and equally extreme low tides, a situation ensuing from the synergistic gravitational pull the moon and sun exert on Earth.

During full moon cycles, the Earth, moon, and sun form a straight line, a celestial event that precipitates spring tide conditions. Here, the moon’s gravitational pull couples with that of the sun to produce a stronger tidal force. This combined pull reaches its zenith, generating high tides higher than the average high tides. Interestingly, the term ‘spring’ in spring tide symbolizes the ‘leap’ or ‘spring up’ of water, not the season itself. The gravitational interplay in operation is nothing short of mesmerizing, as these high tides brim and peak, much to the delight, and sometimes dismay, of seaside observers.

Additionally, the high tides experienced during spring tides can be further amplified in certain conditions known as perigean spring tides. This situation arises when the moon is closest to the Earth, in its perigee phase, and its gravitational pull overpowers the usual tidal rhythms. Perigean spring tides, while a normal occurrence, can lead to exceptionally high tides, often causing local coastal concerns due to their strength and the high water levels they bring.

Not to be overlooked, the regular spring tide is a dependable event, methodically occurring twice a lunar month, specifically at the full moon and the new moon phases. The gravitational tug-of-war involves not only the Earth-moon system but also the gravitational pull of the sun, forming a harmonious yet powerful triad that dictates the ebb and flow of our waters.

As the moon orbits Earth and the Earth orbits the sun, this riveting gravitational occurrence unfolds. The resulting tidal movements bear witness to forces far greater than those on Earth, etching the perimeters of the high tide in the wet sands of our beaches.

Moreover, when contemplating the grand scale of these tidal phenomena, one cannot help but marvel at the immense forces at play. The spring tides, with their accompanying high tides, underline the interconnectedness of bodies within our solar system. The Earth, moon, and sun, firmly entangled by gravitational forces, serve as the ultimate reminder of the cosmic connection that ensues in the seemingly silent void.

Whether we are strolling along the beach, watching the high spring tide roll in, or simply gazing at a full moon illuminating the night sky, we are participating viewers in an age-old, celestial phenomenon of spring tides, its rhythm as constant as the inexorable march of time itself.

Tidal Glossary

  • Apogean Tide: A monthly tide of decreased range that occurs when the Moon is farthest from Earth (at apogee).
  • Diurnal: Applies to a location that normally experiences one high water and one low water during a tidal day of approximately 24 hours.
  • Mean Lower Low Water: The arithmetic mean of the lesser of a daily pair of low waters, observed over a specific 19-year cycle called the National Tidal Datum Epoch.
  • Neap Tide: A tide of decreased range occurring twice a month, when the Moon is in quadrature (during the first and last quarter Moons, when the Sun and the Moon are at right angles to each other relative to Earth).
  • Perigean Tide: A monthly tide of increased range that occurs when the Moon is closest to Earth (at perigee).
  • Semidiurnal: Having a period of half a tidal day. East Coast tides, for example, are semidiurnal, with two highs and two lows in approximately 24 hours.
  • Spring Tide: Named not for the season of spring, but from the German springen (to leap up). This tide of increased range occurs at times of syzygy (q.v.) each month. A spring tide also brings a lower low water.
  • Syzygy: Occurs twice a month, when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction (lined up on the same side of Earth at the new Moon) and when they are in opposition (on opposite sides of Earth at the full Moon, though usually not so directly in line as to produce an eclipse). In either case, the gravitational effects of the Sun and the Moon reinforce each other, and tidal range is increased.
  • Vanishing Tide: A mixed tide of considerable inequality in the two highs or two lows, so that the “high low” may become indistinguishable from the “low high.” The result is a vanishing tide, where no significant difference is apparent.

How the Moon’s Phase Affects Ocean Tides

The phase of the moon significantly influences ocean tides due to the gravitational interaction between the Moon, Earth, and Sun. During a new moon and a full moon, when the Earth, Moon, and Sun are aligned, their gravitational forces combine, resulting in spring tides. Spring tides produce higher high tides and lower low tides than usual. Conversely, during the first and third quarters of the moon, when the Sun and Moon are at right angles to each other, neap tides occur. Neap tides produce lower high tides and higher low tides compared to spring tides. This cyclical pattern of tidal variation is a result of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun on Earth’s oceans and occurs approximately every 14 days.

Moon Phase Tidal Effect
New Moon Spring tides: higher high tides, lower low tides
Full Moon Spring tides: higher high tides, lower low tides
First Quarter Neap tides: lower high tides, higher low tides
Third Quarter Neap tides: lower high tides, higher low tides

The gravitational pull of the Moon on Earth’s oceans is the primary driver of tidal variations. During a new moon and a full moon, when the Moon, Earth, and Sun are aligned, the gravitational forces are at their strongest, resulting in spring tides. These spring tides produce higher high tides and lower low tides, leading to increased tidal range. Conversely, during the first and third quarters of the moon, when the Sun and Moon are at right angles to each other, the gravitational forces partially cancel each other out, resulting in neap tides. Neap tides produce lower high tides and higher low tides compared to spring tides, leading to a smaller tidal range. The phase of the moon directly affects the strength and timing of tides, influencing activities such as fishing, navigation, and coastal erosion.

Deciphering the Spring Tide: The Role of the Sun and Moon in Extreme Tidal Events

Many are fascinated by the rhythmic dance of the ocean’s tides, a phenomenon greatly influenced by the gravitational pull originating from the intricate dance between Earth, moon, and sun. Understanding the dynamics behind spring and neap tide events is crucial, particularly when considering how extreme tidal movements can impact sea levels, coastal ecosystems, and human activities by the shore.

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Spring Tides

During a spring tide, which is unrelated to spring, high tides reach their most significant heights, and low tides plunge to their lowest depths, mainly due to the alignment of the sun and the earth’s moon, working synergistically to exert combined gravitational forces on our planet’s oceans.

This tidal event occurs twice each lunar month and is most pronounced when the earth, moon, and sun are either in a straight line, which happens at full moon, or during a new moon. It’s during these periods that the moon’s pull seems to echo in unison with the sun’s gravitational pull.

The result is a bulge in the ocean’s water, leading to unusually high high tides. Conversely, when the moon reaches its first and third quarters, and its gravitational force is at right angles to that of the sun, we witness neap tides. These particular tides produce a lesser disparity between high and low tides, as the sun’s and moon’s gravitational pulls partially cancel each other out.

Understanding the ebb and flow of tides is important not only for history buffs eager to delve into how tidal movements have shaped maritime events but also for students of earth science aiming to grasp the full scope of oceanic pull. Daily, maritime navigators and beachgoers witness the rise and fall of sea levels while perhaps not fully contemplating the cosmic forces at play. Those living near the ocean or planning to spend time by the sea should be aware of perigean spring tides, a term used when the moon is exceptionally close to the Earth during a full or new moon, enhancing the spring tide’s effects.

The health of our oceans’ materials and ecosystems is intricately tied to the rhythms of the tides, which are a continuous source of change and renewal. For those living by the coast, it’s particularly crucial to understand how the spring and neap tides can affect their day-to-day life.

From the timing of the tides—important for fishing and sailing—to the strength of the tidal waves affecting erosion patterns, the sun and moon’s pull on the Earth remains a central aspect of oceanic dynamics.

Neap Tide Phenomena: Understanding Tidal Changes During Full Moon and Earth’s Alignment

Understanding the neap tide phenomena requires delving into the fascinating interplay of the Earth, moon, and sun. These celestial bodies exert gravitational forces that influence our planet’s tidal movements. A neap tide occurs twice a month when the sun and moon are at right angles to each other relative to the Earth.

the moon and earth are labeled in this diagramThis typically happens during the first and last quarter moon phases. During these periods, the moon’s gravitational pull is partially countered by the sun’s gravitational forces, leading to moderate high tides and higher-than-usual low tides.

It’s the moon’s gravitational effects that are chiefly responsible for the ebb and flow of the tides, but during a neap tide’s formation, the sun’s gravity diminishes this effect.

When referring to neap tides, it’s crucial to consult tide tables, which provide invaluable information for understanding the expected tidal ranges in a given locality. Tide tables forecast the approximate times for high and low tides, aiding everyone from mariners to coastal residents in preparing for the changes along the shorelines. Neap tides are characterized by less extreme differences between high and low tides, making the sea level changes less pronounced during these periods.

In the science behind tides, the role of the Earth’s alignment with the moon and the sun cannot be overemphasized. During a full moon, we might expect dramatic tides due to the linear alignment of the moon, Earth, and sun—known as syzygy—but the neap tidal phenomenon occurs, instead, when the moon’s position is perpendicular to the line between Earth and sun.

This configuration diminishes the overall tidal impact, resulting in the moderate tides associated with neap periods.

Tidal forces are a complex interplay of the gravitational pull exerted by the moon and the sun. While the moon’s gravitational force is the dominant factor in creating tides due to its proximity to Earth, the sun also plays a significant role.

During neap tides, the combined effect of the moon and sun’s gravitational forces produces a lower-than-normal tidal range. These periods of lower high tides and less low tides offer a unique natural rhythm to the Earth’s oceans, a rhythm that has been observed and documented by coastal communities throughout the ages.

In essence, understanding the neap tide can enhance our appreciation of Earth’s place in the wider cosmos and the forces that constantly shape our natural world. Whether it’s for navigation, fishing, or simply cultivating an understanding of our environment, acknowledging the power and subtlety of the moon’s gravitational pull aligned with the sun’s influence during different phases of the moon, from the full moon to the new moon, is key. So, the next time you check the tide tables and plan your seaside activities, remember the remarkable confluence of celestial motions that contribute to the gentle ebb and flow of the neap tides that shape our blue planet’s watery edges.


In conclusion, the fascinating interplay of the Earth, Moon, and Sun not only illuminates the heavens but also orchestrates the rhythmic dance of our oceans. Understanding the dynamics of spring and neap tides is not just essential for sailors and marine enthusiasts, but it also provides insight into the powerful natural forces that continue to shape our coastline and influence marine life. As we acknowledge the celestial clockwork behind the ebb and flow of the tides, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complex beauty of the natural world and the delicate balance that sustains it.

JimGalloway Author/Editor


NOAA- What are spring and neap tides?


Q: What causes Spring tides and Neap tides?
A: Spring tides occur when the Earth, moon, and sun are aligned, leading to very high and very low tides due to the combined gravitational pull of the moon and sun. Neap tides happen when the sun and moon are at right angles to each other relative to Earth, resulting in moderate high tides and higher-than-usual low tides, due to the sun’s gravity partially counteracting the moon’s pull.
Q: When do spring tides occur?
A: Spring tides occur twice a lunar month, specifically during the full moon and new moon phases. The gravitational forces of the moon and sun synergistically exert a stronger pull on Earth’s oceans during these periods.
Q: What are perigean spring tides and when do they happen?
A: Perigean spring tides occur when the moon is closest to the Earth (in its perigee phase) and coincide with full or new moons. This proximity enhances the moon’s gravitational pull, leading to exceptionally high tides.
Q: Why are neap tides less extreme than spring tides?
A: Neap tides are less extreme because the sun and moon’s gravitational forces are at right angles, partially canceling each other out. This results in lower high tides and less low tides compared to the more extreme tidal ranges during spring tides.
Q: How can the understanding of spring and neap tides impact coastal living?
A: Knowledge of tidal patterns is crucial for coastal activities such as fishing, sailing, and managing erosion. Understanding when spring or neap tides occur helps predict sea level changes and prepare for the effects on coastal ecosystems and human endeavors by the shore.
Q: Why are tide tables important?
A: Tide tables provide forecasts of the expected high and low tides in a given location, which is invaluable for mariners, coastal residents, and anyone needing to prepare for or understand the changes along the shorelines during different tidal events.

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