How to Find Water with Dowsing Rods

I worked for the water company in the 70s and was sent out to locate a water line that was buried under a driveway. We were amazed when the owner, an old-timer came out of his house and located the water line with 2 copper L-shaped rods that were bent at a 90-degree angle called Dowsing Rods. How to Find Water with Dowsing Rods?

The old-timer said the secret to finding water was to use the Dowsing Rods like this:

  • Relax your shoulders
  • Hold a pair of dowsing rods parallel in front of you
  • Walk over the area of search
  • Focus & visualize the object
  • When you find it, rods will cross over in front of you.
  • If you pass over the spot rods will separate, uncrossing

The phenomenon is called the Ideomotor Effect and it’s the same technique used that makes the glass on an Ouija board move. It is the effect that you can make your muscles move something subconsciously even when you are not moving it voluntarily.


How Do Dowsing Rods Move


Back-up 500 years and people thought so. People thought it was witchcraft. Just as in the Ouija board the person or persons that are participating in the game or the exercise are subconsciously moving the piece or as in the Dowsing Rods themselves.

In defence of dowsing to detect water | Letters | The Guardian
dowsing to detect water

Scientist, Hydrologist and Geologist use new scientific equipment and information that has been developed to increase the worlds data on groundwater and it’s importance. Their opinion of Dowsing is skeptical.
“Case histories and demonstrations of  Water Dowsers   may seem convincing, but when dowsing is exposed to scientific examination, it presents a very different picture. The natural explanation of “successful” water dowsing is that in many areas underground water is so prevalent close to the land surface that it would be hard to drill a well and not find water. In a region of adequate rainfall and favorable geology, it is difficult not to drill and find water!”

Hydrologists and Scientists using images from outer space can locate groundwater accurately and determine the depth, quantity, and quality of the water, several techniques must be used, and a target area must be thoroughly tested and studied to identify hydrologic and geologic features important to the planning and management of the resource.

Dowsing rods, also known as divining rods, are tools used in a practice known as dowsing or water witching. They typically consist of two L-shaped rods made of metal or wood. The rods are held loosely in the hands, with the short ends pointing forward and the long ends extending outward.

The movement of dowsing rods is often attributed to the subconscious mind of the dowser rather than any mystical or paranormal force. When a dowser is searching for something, such as water, minerals, or buried objects, they may experience subtle muscular movements that cause the rods to rotate or cross. These movements are often involuntary and can be influenced by various factors, including the dowser’s expectations, environmental cues, and the characteristics of the terrain being searched.

Scientific explanations for the movement of dowsing rods include the ideomotor effect, which suggests that small, unconscious muscle movements can be influenced by the dowser’s beliefs and expectations. Additionally, environmental factors such as changes in electromagnetic fields or subtle variations in terrain may also play a role in the movement of the rods.

Overall, while dowsing remains a controversial practice with no scientific evidence to support its efficacy, the movement of dowsing rods is commonly attributed to subconscious cues and environmental influences rather than any supernatural forces.

The landscape may offer clues to the hydrologist about the occurrence of shallow groundwater. Conditions for large quantities of shallow groundwater are more favorable under valleys than under hills. In some regions–in parts of the arid Southwest, for example–the presence of “water-loving” plants, such as cottonwoods or willows, indicates groundwater at shallow to moderate depth. Willow wood is the preferred stick used for Dowsing rods made of wood.

Do Dowsing Rods Work Finding Water


The effectiveness of dowsing rods in finding water is a subject of considerable debate. While some individuals and practitioners claim success with dowsing, scientific studies have generally failed to demonstrate any reliable correlation between the use of dowsing rods and the location of underground water sources.

Most explanations for the apparent success of dowsing focus on psychological and environmental factors rather than any inherent properties of the rods themselves. For example, proponents of dowsing often cite the ideomotor effect, where subconscious muscle movements influence the movement of the rods in response to the dowser’s expectations. Additionally, environmental cues, such as changes in vegetation or terrain, may provide subtle hints that guide the dowser to areas where water is more likely to be found.

However, controlled experiments conducted under scientific conditions have consistently failed to support the efficacy of dowsing. Skeptics argue that any apparent success with dowsing can be attributed to chance, subjective interpretation of ambiguous results, or confirmation bias.

In summary, while some people believe in the effectiveness of dowsing rods for finding water, the scientific consensus is that there is no reliable evidence to support their use for this purpose.

Utility workers looking for water lines or anything buried in the ground like manholes that are cast iron are usually found by metal detectors, dopplers, or ultrasound to locate and measure water resources underground. If Well drillers can’t find productive Wells they might call a guy that uses a broken coat hanger to find water before paying a huge cost Hydrologist charge to test the property’s scientific equipment.

I have seen this myself when I was younger and the old-timer found the water line that we couldn’t find with this old-school type of spooky magical process that worked. According to critics, every properly conducted scientific test of water Dowsing has produced no evidence that it works. You will be just as likely to find water if you walk out into a big field pick a spot and start digging.



Dowsing for Water With a Coconut


The Coconut is used along with an Egg in India to locate water on properties where none was thought to exist. The method is proven as a foolproof way to find a source and the direction of the groundwater charging the Well.

The coconut has to have milk inside. In India, Dowsers are commissioned by farmers and landowners to find groundwater. The job is considered very important because of the serious nature of the drought conditions in the Country.

The terms Water Divining and Water Witching are used by villages and towns across the Continent to describe the nature of the work. The Dowsers used Rods like they do here in America and England and also pendulums and wires. With the pendulum, the Dowser can give the depth at which the water can be found and the quality of what the water can be used for whether for irrigation or farming.

With the Coconut, you can identify the source of the underground water and thereby determine whether the water may or may not be contaminated. Underground rivers or streams and polluted drainage systems can be distinguished. Water Dowsers explain that the energy in their body creates a vibration that matches the earth’s vibrations.

The vibration of the body and earth creates a positive reaction that Scientist calls the Ideomotor Effect. So the phenomenon is brought back to the earth and magical ways that Science can’t understand. So they put a name on it and say it doesn’t happen.

Water Dowsers explain that the energy in their body creates a vibration that matches the earth’s vibrations. The vibration of the body and earth creates a positive reaction that Scientists call the Ideomotor Effect. So the phenomenon is brought back to the earth and magical ways that Science can’t understand. For this reason, Scientists put a name on it and say it doesn’t really happen.

  • Lay the Coconut on its side in the palm of your hand directly in front of you.
  • Walk in the area Focus on the result in this case Water where you may want to use or near an existing Well that is already on the property.
  • The Coconut will shake and stand completely straight up in your hand when overtopping the area where the water source is the deepest.

The Egg will work the same way as the Coconut. You will lay the egg on its side and if you walk over the water source the Egg will stand straight up in the palm of your hand.


Dowsing With a Map


Map Dowsing is an advanced form of Dowsing that has a few techniques that can reach success. The map is a representation of the object or subject you are searching for. Archeological Dowsers can be searching for ancient burial grounds that they only read about and studied in books.

Map dowsing | Geomancy Australia – Heal the Earth, Heal Yourself
Map dowsing

Some people use Dowsing the body of a sick person to locate the source of sickness in their body. It all works the same way as Water Dowsing. It starts with the power of suggestion that translates into a result. Dowsers claim that you don’t have to physically be there to find what you are looking for.

You are on vacation and are looking to take a trip. You use a map to go somewhere you have never been before and have not seen pictures of the place until now. You use a map to plan out the trip and hotel. When it’s all said and done it turns out just as you imagined it would be.

It might have been the best hotel experience you’ve ever had or maybe not. It might have been just ok, but the place and location were pretty close to what you imagined it would be. Just as if you had been there before.

Dowsing with a map, also known as map dowsing, is a practice where dowsers use dowsing rods or other tools to locate objects or substances on a map, such as water sources, minerals, or buried objects. The process typically involves the dowser holding the dowsing tool over a map and concentrating on the target they are seeking.

The effectiveness of map dowsing, like traditional dowsing, is highly controversial and lacks scientific evidence to support its validity. Skeptics argue that any apparent success with map dowsing can be attributed to chance, subjective interpretation, or confirmation bias.

Proponents of map dowsing often claim that it works through some form of extrasensory perception or psychic ability, allowing the dowser to sense the location of the target on the map. However, such claims have not been substantiated by empirical evidence.

In summary, while some people believe in the effectiveness of map dowsing, particularly for locating water sources or other underground features, the scientific consensus is that there is no reliable evidence to support its use as a practical tool.

When you dowse using a map, you are doing much the same thing. You don’t have to be there to find what you are looking for. You are tapping into your natural intuitive ability and asking questions about the object you wish to find. By practicing the art of Dowsing you can get the results to the questions you ask before actually searching for the answer.

Dowsing uses that same type of formula. If you imagine and specify a place or a thing you can plan and map it out to accomplish the desired result. It’s an answer to a question.

Dowsing with a Pendulum & Map


One Dowsing Technique that uses a Map also uses a Pendulum. Draw quadrants on the map or sketch the area where you are searching for some object or result. It looks like this:

  • Draw quadrants on your map or sketch
  • Take the drawing and divide that into four equal squares by drawing straight lines through the midpoint horizontally and vertically

    Divining the Future with Pendulums and Dowsing Rods — Women of GraceWomen of Grace
    Divining the Future with Pendulums and Dowsing Rods
  • Label each quadrant with a number or a letter.
  • Put yourself into a state of mind that will focus entirely on the result you want. The question needs to be specific.
  • Ask the Pendulum “Is the item I seek in Quadrant A, Quadrant B, Quadrant C, or Quadrant D”
  • You should only get one yes answer. If you don’t get an answer yes, the object or item might not be on the map.
  • If you get a Yes then repeat the process by dividing that quadrant into four more parts but use numbers instead of letters like before. Repeat the process until you only have a smaller area to work with. Name the quadrants each time differently than before, so there is no confusion about the areas as you continue your quest to narrow down and pinpoint the area to locate what you are searching for. You may need to start with a larger map to ensure a worthwhile search success.

The Three Problems with Using a Pendulum

  • The Pendulum won’t move by itself. The Dowser has to make it move.
  • The chain or string that the Dowser is using is too long. The longer the chain the less of the response. The less the pendulum moves before you ask your question, the longer it will take to show you any response.
  • Get the Pendulum to move to begin with and then let it change direction according to the answer to the question.
  • The best way is to have it on a short chain and have it moving before you ask a question.
  • Any chain longer than 3 inches is too long.
  • Any movement that is 1 inch in diameter is too much


If your starting motion is circular then a back-and-forth motion can be a Yes answer and a side-to-side movement can be a No answer. You decide what you want and determine what is the start motion and what is your yes and no motion.

You also need to practice to be good at anything. It’s the same in Dowsing. You can ask questions to develop this craft by asking questions that will pertain to the question you will be asking later on down the road or questions that will improve your life. If you truly want accuracy, then ask questions that can verify the answers.

For example, you can ask “Where is the sewer or water line in and how deep is it buried underground”. You can then verify the answers to the question you asked.  Another one is I’m starting a new job “Will I be happy there” The questions are endless but need to be vital in your life and can be verified by you. I would be looking for the Gold.


Other Types of Searches Using Dowsing


Dowsing is not limited to finding water. Many dowsers believe the same methods can be used to locate oil, mineral deposits, buried utility lines, septic tanks, graves, Missing People, lost jewelry, vitamins, foods, and other objects. Some believe that they can hold their tools over a map to locate objects below the ground at locations that are thousands of miles away.

Dowsing for anything uses the same process but the suggestion in Dowser’s mind can determine what the result will be. You need to develop a question and focus on what your intentions and desires are. You can ask a question of how deep the gold is in the ground How deep or the quantity. Framing a specific question is better than a vague one.

Dowsing is Dowsing no matter what the target is. If you ask the question is there Gold in the ground there may be. There may be a gram of Gold in the ground. Lost animals like cats and dogs are hard to find this way because they will continue to move while you are pinpointing the area it is in. The better question would be “Is my cat still alive” The question is just as important as the procedure.

Dowsing, or divining, is a practice that has been applied to various types of searches beyond just locating water sources. Some of the other types of searches where dowsing has been used include:

  1. Mineral Deposits: Dowsers have claimed success in locating mineral deposits such as gold, silver, or other valuable ores.
  2. Archaeological Sites: Some dowsers believe they can detect the presence of buried archaeological remains, such as ancient structures, artifacts, or burial sites.
  3. Lost Objects: Dowsing has been used to locate lost or missing objects, such as keys, jewelry, or personal belongings.
  4. Utilities: Dowsing has been employed to locate underground utilities, such as pipes, cables, or septic tanks.
  5. Health and Healing: In some alternative medicine practices, dowsing has been used to diagnose health conditions or locate areas of imbalance in the body’s energy field.
  6. Environmental Assessments: Dowsing has been used in environmental assessments to identify areas of geological interest or potential hazards, such as underground water sources or geological faults.
  7. Missing Persons: Although controversial, some dowsers claim to assist in locating missing persons or lost pets.

It’s important to note that while dowsing has been applied to these and other areas, scientific studies have generally failed to provide conclusive evidence of its effectiveness beyond what can be attributed to chance, subjective interpretation, or environmental cues. As such, dowsing remains a controversial practice lacking empirical support from the scientific community.

When you pose a question and focus on it, a powerful connection can be made. It doesn’t matter if you use an expensive device or a coat hanger. You may not need a device at all to be successful. The method is the connection between the Dowser and the earth to manifest what the desired outcome and result will be.

The American Society of Dowsers is a nonprofit corporation founded in Vermont in 1961 to disseminate knowledge of dowsing (water witching, discovery of lost articles or persons, and related para-psychological phenomena), development of its skills, and recognition for its achievements.

The American Society of Dowsers has been in business for more than 6o years and has hundreds of Charter members. They are very interested in the credibility of Dowsing. They will find Professional Dowsers near your area and answer any questions about the age-old profession.

I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as a type of superstition. According to my conviction, this is, however, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time.– Albert Einstein

What is Water Infrastructure 

Read about water infrastructure here on MyWaterEarth&Sky-Many cities have aging water infrastructures that hold, treat, and deliver water some as old as 100 years.  Incredibly, some older water systems contain bacteria, lead, and asbestos which became ……… Continue reading


JimGalloway Author/Editor


New Scientist-Why Dowsing Makes Perfect Sense




  1. Are there any risks or limitations to dowsing?  While dowsing itself may not pose direct physical risks, relying on it for important decisions such as drilling for water or minerals could lead to costly mistakes if the results are inaccurate. Additionally, some practitioners may exploit a belief in dowsing for financial gain or to promote pseudoscientific ideas.
  2. Can anyone learn to dowse?  Proponents of dowsing often claim that anyone can learn the practice with proper training and practice. However, skeptics argue that any apparent success with dowsing can be attributed to chance or subjective interpretation, rather than any inherent skill or ability.
  3. What is the history of dowsing?  Dowsing has a long history dating back centuries, with early records of its use found in ancient civilizations around the world. It has been associated with various cultural and religious practices over time and continues to be practiced in different forms in modern times.


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