Pool Pump Not Pulling Water from Skimmer

In-ground concrete and gunite pools can develop cracks where the plastic skimmer meets the pool’s concrete wall. The likelihood of this happening depends on the age of the pool and on how the skimmers were installed. Once you detect a skimmer leak you need to address it right away. How do you determine why Pool Pump is Not Pulling Water From Skimmer?

The most common reason for low or no flow is that the baskets are full of debris. Checking and emptying both the skimmer basket by the pool and the pump basket at the pump will free up the water flow,  If it doesn’t then check for a leak at the skimmers.

By paying attention to your pool you can rule out air leaks, low water, and problems with the filter,  Slow water intake can also indicate a clogged or a small leak in the suction line at the skimmer.

Pool Pump Not Pulling Water From Skimmer


The easiest and most common problem with pool pumps not pulling pool water is that the skimmer baskets are clogged with debris. Each skimmer has a basket inside and there is a reason that pool designers put them there.

After a heavy use or a storm wind can blow leaves or other debris into the pool which end up in the skimmer and filter pump baskets. Take the time to lift the lids at the skimmers and clean them out before they cause the filter pump to lose prime or shut down from overheating.


What are the Causes of No Flow in the Pool Pump?

The most common reason for no water flow in the pool pump is baskets are full of debris. Checking and emptying both the skimmer basket by the pool and the pump basket inside the pump will help free up the water flow, allowing……………………………………………………. Read more


Pool Skimmer Leak


The most typical reason for low or no flow at the pool pump is loss of prime when the skimmer baskets become full of debris and by emptying both the pool’s skimmer baskets the basket at the pump should free up the system’s water flow, and allow prime but If it doesn’t prime check for a leak at the skimmer boxes.

Another problem with skimmers that ultimately affects the pool pumps is leaks. In-ground gunite pools can develop cracks where the plastic skimmer meets the pool’s concrete wall. The likelihood of this happening depends on how the skimmers were installed.

Lie on your stomach with your head leaning over the swimming pool, and look into the skimmer upside-down. Check the area where the tile ends, which may be parged in with white plaster at the edge before the plastic skimmer begins.

Note any cracks, and look for small bits of concrete or plaster that have been sucked in. The problem area may be located underwater, at the waterline, or just above the water line.

Try the color test. This can be done with food coloring or special pool leak detection dye. Squirt a little bit of the color or dye into the water around integrated parts like the inside of pool skimmers where there are cracks or plumbing fixtures, then take notice of the direction in which the dye is pulled. Watch this great video on finding leaks and resolving them in a skimmer box.



Why Won’t My Pool Pump Turn On?

  • The external Power outage breaker tripped
  • Pool timer-ensure that it reset to cycle properly
  • Clogged Pump Impeller-Clean out impeller-Look for the reset button on the back motor
  • Broken pump Capacitor
  • Air locked
  • Overheated motor from being covered..…………………………………………….. Read more

Pool Skimmer Repair


Once you locate where the suspected leak is:

  • Clean out the crack with a flathead screwdriver to remove any sucked-in debris or putty from previous repair jobs.
  • Mix underwater pool putty with water according to the instructions.
  • Roll the putty into a rope and push it into the crack.
  • Smooth out the edges to firmly seal the leak.
  • Once the putty hardens, it should hold for many summer seasons


What is a Pool Pump Capacitor and What Does it Do? 

A pool pump capacitor is similar to a battery in a car, the same reason cars need a battery to start, Pool pumps need a capacitor to start, pumps may have 1 or 2 capacitors one to start the pump, & a Run capacitor that brings the pump up to speed (3450) RPM ..…………………………………………… Read more


JimGalloway Author/Editor


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Location: 38.783N 75.119W
Wind Direction: NE (40°)
Wind Speed: 2.9 knots
Wind Gust: 2.9 knots
Atmospheric Pressure: 29.83 in (1010.0 mb)
Air Temperature: 52.0°F (11.1°C)
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