Bromine vs Chlorine

Bromine is far less common, but very similar to chlorine in a lot of ways with its unique benefits. It is also used to sanitize and disinfect swimming pools and spas as a proven alternative to chlorine. What are the differences between using Chlorine vs Bromine for swimming pools and hot tubs?

  • Chlorine(Cl) works faster to kill contaminants but for a shorter period of time, as it dissipates faster.
  • Bromine(Br) a more stable chemical kills contaminants more slowly but for a longer period & can help keep H2O chemistry more balanced due to its low pH, meaning less adjustment is needed.

Chlorine and bromine are the most widely available chemicals used for pool sanitation and treatment. Both are halogens and belong to the same chemical family. With the following pointers, you will easily understand the significant differences between them.

Bromine vs Chlorine


Bromine and Chlorine: Which to Choose? - Pool and Hot Tub Depot
Bromine and Chlorine Ph

As pool season approaches pool owners look for alternatives to everyone’s number one concern when it comes to swimming pool chemicals and that’s Chlorine. There are concerns when it comes to using and storing chlorine granules tablets and shock chlorine on-site.

Difference Between Bromine and Bromide

Over recent years, one chemical has been accepted as a dependable alternative disinfecting agent chemical for use in swimming pools and Hot Tubs eliminating the need for chlorine. What is Bromide?

The key difference between bromine and bromide is that bromide is the reduced form of bromine.

Bromine is a chemical element with the symbol (Br) and atomic number 35. It is a volatile red-brown liquid at room temperature that evaporates readily to form a similarly colored vapor. Its properties are intermediate between those of chlorine and iodine.

Chlorine to your swimming pool or spa, the chlorine molecules go to work right away attacking organic contaminants through a process called oxidation.

This means that chlorine attacks and steals electrons from whatever contaminants are in your pool, changing its molecular structure. Through this chemical reaction, chlorine leaves behind a waste product or residual called chloramines which is less effective in disinfection

  • Bromine, on the other hand, works by a process called ionization. bromine combines with bacteria but forces apart the chemical bonds of the contaminant. Bromine also has a lower pH than chlorine and most importantly even after bromine has sanitized the water, it is still active and continues to work in the pool.
  • Bromamines continue to be ready sanitizers, unlike chloramines
  • Bromamines don’t gas off the pool water surface as readily as chloramines
  • Bromine has a pH balance, unlike the very high pH of liquid chlorine
  • Bromine remains a stable chemical at higher temperatures
  • Bromide ions can be activated into Free Bromine, by shocking
  • Bromine is gentler than chlorine on the skin, hair, and eyes

When it comes to bromine, it does not have a strong scent, it’s gentler on the swimmer’s skin, does a great job sanitizing high-temperature swimming pools, and works well without damaging vinyl liners.

Swimming Pool Care Chlorine


Chlorine is added to the pool water to kill bacteria. But it does not work right away. If used properly, free chlorine can kill most germs within a few minutes. Center for Disease Control(CDC) recommends pH 7.2–7.8 and a free chlorine concentration of at least 1 ppm in pools and at least 3 ppm in hot tubs/spas.

If using cyanuric acid, a chlorine stabilizer, or chlorine products with cyanuric acid (for example, products commonly known as dichlor or trichlor, CDC recommends pH 7.2–7.8 and a free available chlorine concentration of at least 2 ppm in pools. CDC recommends not using cyanuric acid or chlorine products with cyanuric acid in hot tubs/spas.

The best way to kill germs is by properly maintaining the free chlorine concentration and pH. To do this, pool and hot tub/spa owners must routinely test and adjust both the free chlorine concentration and pH. Since a few germs can survive for long time periods in even the best maintained pools. Combining good chlorine and pH control and encouraging swimmers to follow the healthy swimming steps will help prevent the spread of germs that cause swimming-related illnesses.

Chlorine is a chemical sanitizer that typically comes in either tablet, powder, or liquid form, which is then prepped and added to your swimming pool in order to keep your pool water clean and safe to swim.


Chlorine is a safe chemical that keeps us healthy by killing germs in the water. However, misusing chlorine can be risky. When you mix chlorine with other chemicals, compounds can be created turning into toxic vapors.

Chlorine developed for pools and spas protects us from germs and micro-bacteria. Chlorine has been effective against health conditions like diarrhea or a swimmer’s ear for years. Using guidelines controlling pH and chlorine constitutes the first line of defense against contaminated waters.

Chlorine can be applied to pool water in three ways tablets, liquid, and granules. Liquid and granules can be directly added to water without using specialized equipment. And, the tablets are dispensed through a floating feeder to maintain the chlorine level in the water.

Pool Bromine Pool Care Tips


A sanitizer deactivates/kills pathogens, i.e. kills bacteria and renders viruses harmless. An oxidizer breaks down organic waste products, like ammonia, into their components. Bromine is, like chlorine, both a sanitizer and an oxidizer.

The flow of pool water through the Brominator results in the dissolution of the tablet to produce a solution of bromine which can then be fed to the cooling water system and process system where micro-biological control of micro-organisms is required.

Above 75°F, bromine remains stable, whereas chlorine is more effective in temperatures as low as 65°F. This makes bromine a better choice for hot tubs and spas, and an unheated pool will be better served by the use of chlorine. Chlorine oxidizes when it is working, removing bacteria and organic matter such as body oils from the water.

Chlorine and bromine are sanitizers that help keep your pool or spa water clean and safe. Both chlorine and bromine come in tablet and granular form, while chlorine is also available in liquid form.

Like chlorine, bromine is another naturally occurring element. At room temperature, it turns into a liquid. It dissolves in H2O with a bleach-like odor. One significant difference between chlorine and bromine is you would not use bromine to disinfect drinking or cooking water.

Hayward Pool Brominator

There are many uses for Bromine. It’s an oxidizer, pool sanitizer, and algaecide. Many spa, pool, and hot tub owners use bromine instead of chlorine. One of the main reasons is that bromine works better under warm temperatures than chlorine.

  • Bromine cannot be stabilized from the sun and slowly depletes in bright sunshine
  • Bromine is more expensive, expect to pay 25% more than chlorine sticks
  • Bromine must be dispensed in a Brominator, and never in a used chlorinator

A Brominator works with Bromo chloro-dimethyl hydatoin to keep your system sanitized. Using a Brominator works better than chlorine.

The chemical that is created called hypobromite, will keep your water clear and free from algae and it will not leave a chlorine smell.

Chlorine works well indoors and outdoors, but bromine is sensitive to sunlight and less effective when exposed to UV rays. In fact, according to the NSPF, half of the pool bromine can be destroyed by exposure to sunlight in just 60 to 90 minutes. Can work best under covers. Unlike chlorine, cyanuric acid that’s added to chlorine products does not protect bromine from the sun.

Cost of Chlorine Compared to Bromine

The advantage of using chlorine over Bromide is the price. It’s more expensive than chlorine which is why people tend to overlook it. However, since maintaining your pool requires less volume of bromine, the cost difference isn’t all that drastic.

Since the bromine lasts longer than the chlorine, you need much less of it to clean a pool. Even with the fact that you need less, ven year around, bromine is still a much more expensive way to sanitize your pool than chlorine is. When considering the difference between bromine and chlorine, just remember that the hot tub smell and the way bromine lingers clearly show the difference between the two. Finally, Bromine is unstabilized which means sunlight will chew through it much faster than stabilized chlorine, which is also why it’s typically Bromide Santizer used for indoor pools and hot tubs.


Here’s a comparison table of the cost of chlorine versus bromide:

Parameter Chlorine Bromide
Chemical Form Gas (Cl2) or liquid Solid (Br2) or liquid
Typical Usage Pool disinfection Spa disinfection
Initial Cost Moderate Higher
Operating Cost Low Moderate
Effectiveness Fast-acting, strong Slower, less potent
pH Impact Decreases pH Neutral
Odor Strong Milder
Handling Requires caution Relatively safe
Environmental Can produce byproducts Less harmful byproducts
Stability Less stable, can degrade More stable

One of the main reasons most pool owners opt for chlorine as a sanitation product over bromine is the cost. Bromine is a much more expensive product, and pool owners can expect to pay up to double the cost of chlorine for it. For example, a 50-pound bucket of chlorine will usually cost around $150, while a 50-pound bucket of bromine will cost about $300.

First things first, let’s cover the basics. Chlorine and bromine are sanitizers that help keep your pool or spa water clean and safe. Both chlorine and bromine come in tablet and granular form, while chlorine is also available in liquid form.

Which is more toxic chlorine or bromine? Concentrations were based on the estimate that bromine is 1.5 times less toxic than chlorine.

Understanding how each sanitizer works is key to deciding the best option for your pool or spa. While chlorine and bromine clean your pool, they do so differently.

Bromine has a long shelf life and dissolves slowly. In some applications, it’s activated with an oxidator. The solution will last longer than chlorine. If your water is outdoors, you’ll need a cover as bromine has no defenses against UV light. UV light kills bromine faster than it does chlorine.

Switching from Chlorine to Bromine


Switching from chlorine to bromine for water treatment involves understanding the differences, benefits, and considerations for each. Here’s a detailed list covering the key points:

1. Effectiveness

  • Chlorine:
    • Widely used for disinfection.
    • Effective against bacteria and viruses.
    • Can form harmful disinfection by-products (DBPs) like trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs).
  • Bromine:
    • Effective against a broader range of microorganisms, including some that are chlorine-resistant.
    • Produces fewer and less harmful DBPs compared to chlorine.

2. Stability and Longevity

  • Chlorine:
    • Less stable in high temperatures and under UV light.
    • Requires frequent monitoring and adjustment.
  • Bromine:
    • More stable in higher temperatures and less affected by UV light.
    • Longer-lasting residual effect, requiring less frequent adjustments.

3. Water Quality Impact

  • Chlorine:
    • Can cause a strong odor and taste in water.
    • May react with organic materials to form chloramines, contributing to unpleasant smells.
  • Bromine:
    • Typically has a milder odor and less noticeable taste.
    • Less likely to cause eye and skin irritation.

4. Cost

  • Chlorine:
    • Generally cheaper and widely available.
    • Lower initial costs but may require more frequent dosing and monitoring.
  • Bromine:
    • More expensive initially.
    • Potentially lower long-term costs due to less frequent dosing and longer-lasting effects.

5. Application Methods

  • Chlorine:
    • Available in gas, liquid, and solid forms.
    • Can be added manually or through automated systems.
  • Bromine:
    • Commonly available in tablet or granular form.
    • Often used in combination with an oxidizer to regenerate bromine.

6. Safety Considerations

  • Chlorine:
    • Can be hazardous to handle, especially in gas form.
    • Requires careful storage and handling procedures.
  • Bromine:
    • Generally safer to handle than chlorine gas.
    • Still requires proper storage and handling to avoid exposure.

7. Environmental Impact

  • Chlorine:
    • Can have negative effects on aquatic life if discharged in high concentrations.
    • Degrades quickly in the environment.
  • Bromine:
    • Also has environmental impacts, but is generally considered less harmful in treated water discharge.
    • More stable in the environment.

8. Regulatory Compliance

  • Chlorine:
    • Well-established regulatory standards and guidelines.
    • Widely accepted for drinking water and pool disinfection.
  • Bromine:
    • Fewer regulations and standards compared to chlorine.
    • Increasingly accepted for specific applications, such as spas and hot tubs.

Switching from chlorine to bromine involves weighing the benefits of improved stability, reduced odor, and fewer harmful by-products against the higher initial cost and differing regulatory status. The choice will depend on specific needs, such as the type of water system, budget, and regulatory requirements.


Bromine Use in Hot Tub


Bromine remains stable at higher temperatures than chlorine, which is why it is popular in hot tubs. The chemical composition of bromine reacts differently than chlorine and cleans water more efficiently in hot temperatures. It is worth noting that bromine will deplete UV rays more rapidly than chlorine due to the product having little UV protection. It will work better under the pool covers main or winter covers accessories main pool covering.

Bromine can be used to keep spa water sanitary and is gentler on a user’s skin than chlorine. It’s also really easy to get started and maintain your system.

  • Start by flushing, draining, and refilling your spa with fresh, clean water.
  • Then, add sodium bromide to the water to build up a reserve of bromide.
  • Use a spa shock treatment to activate the bromide and turn it into the sanitizing bromine.
  • To maintain the proper levels, test the water with bromine test strips, float bromine tablets on the water, and cool the water in the hot tub/spa regularly.


Chlorine vs. Bromine: Health Concerns


As long as you use these elements in proper amounts, both bromine and chlorine are considered safe. Chlorine can create difficulty breathing, sore throat, wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, eye and skin irritation, and other conditions. Most conditions result from ingesting heavy amounts of chlorine into the body, which you’re likely at low risk of in a pool.

Chlorine also contains bleach, has a distinct smell, and can irritate the skin. On the other hand, bromine is widely known for having an imperceptible odor. Pool water treated with bromine has fewer bad eye or skin reaction reports. And since bromine has no bleach, water has less effect on clothes.

When not used safely, breathing in bromine gas can give you a headache, watery eyes, and irritate mucous membranes. Getting bromine gas or liquid on the skin can irritate and even burn.

Irritation and allergic reactions can occur after exposure to both chlorine and bromine. However, according to the National Swimming Pool Foundation (NSPF), bromine is better for individuals with sensitivities. It does not emit a strong smell like chlorine and its byproducts are like chloramines. But due to its stability, it’s harder to rinse off your skin after a swim.


Chlorine and bromine are the most widely available chemicals used for pool sanitation and treatment. Both are halogens and belong to the same chemical family. With the following pointers, you will easily understand the significant differences between them.

  • Chlorine(Cl) works faster to kill contaminants but for a shorter period, as it dissipates faster.
  • Bromine(Br) a more stable chemical kills contaminants more slowly but for a longer period & can help keep H2O chemistry more balanced due to its low pH, meaning less adjustment is needed.

What are the Advantages of Bromine in Pools?

Bromine advantages:

  • Does not give off a strong smell
  • Gentler on the eyes than chlorine
  • Effective disinfectant & algicide
  • Acts as an oxidizer
  • Works with vinyl liner, concrete, & fiberglass pools
  • Bromine works in warmer temperatures
  • Keeps H2O chemistry balanced due to its low pH..………………………………….. Read more


JimGalloway Author/Editor


CDC-Water Testing and Testing Difference Between Bromine and Bromide


  • What are the advantages of using bromide?  Bromide is gentler on the skin and eyes compared to chlorine, making it more suitable for spa and hot tub environments. It also tends to have a milder odor and is less likely to cause skin irritation.
  • What are the disadvantages of using bromide?  Bromide is typically more expensive than chlorine and may not be as readily available in some areas. It also has a slower disinfection rate compared to chlorine, requiring longer contact times to achieve the same level of effectiveness.
  • Can chlorine and bromide be used together?   Yes, chlorine and bromide can be used together in a process known as bromine/chlorine conversion. This involves adding chlorine to bromide-containing water to activate the bromide ions and create bromine, which serves as a secondary disinfectant.
  • Is it safe to swim in water treated with chlorine or bromide?   When used properly and within recommended concentrations, both chlorine and bromide are safe for swimming. However, it’s essential to follow proper dosage and maintenance procedures to ensure the water remains balanced and free of harmful byproducts.
  • How do I choose between chlorine and bromide for water treatment?   The choice between chlorine and bromide depends on factors such as the size and type of water system, desired disinfection efficacy, budget, and user preferences. Consulting with a water treatment professional can help determine the most suitable option for your specific needs.
  • Are there any alternatives to chlorine and bromide for water disinfection?   Yes, there are alternative disinfection methods such as ozone, UV (ultraviolet) light, and hydrogen peroxide, each with its own advantages and limitations. These alternatives may be preferred in certain applications where chlorine or bromide may not be suitable or desired.


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NDBC - Station LWSD1 - 8557380 - Lewes, DE Observations Tue, 11 Mar 2025 17:50:41 +0000 Tue, 11 Mar 2025 17:50:41 +0000 30 en-us (NDBC Webmaster) (NDBC Webmaster) NDBC - Station LWSD1 - 8557380 - Lewes, DE Observations Tue, 11 Mar 2025 17:50:41 +0000 Station LWSD1 - 8557380 - Lewes, DE March 11, 2025 1:18 pm EDT
Location: 38.783N 75.119W
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Wind Speed: 2.9 knots
Wind Gust: 2.9 knots
Atmospheric Pressure: 29.83 in (1010.0 mb)
Air Temperature: 52.0°F (11.1°C)
Water Temperature: 43.7°F (6.5°C)
]]> NDBC-LWSD1-20250311171800 38.783 -75.119